Maya the Bee Wiki

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Theo the Bee is a tritagonist in the season 2 of the CGI series. He is a young honeybee who is born with defective wings, which makes him unable to fly. He's originally from the Hollyhock Hive before moving into the Thousand Flower Hive, Poppy Meadow after being banished for misconduct.


In the episode of the same name, Theo is initially grouchy, rude, bad-tempered and lonely bee who is born with his wings which it doesn't work to fly and refuses to have friends. He also wants to be left alone and worries that everyone will laugh at him of his non-working wings. After he is rescued from the hungry frogs, he becomes kind-hearted, friendly and calm.


  • In the flashback episode of Theo, he was born in the hive and refused to fly because his wing couldn’t work.